*WARNING* C- word usage ahead!!!

I know it's more than a little contradictory to tweet about actually working, then signing on to the blog for a post, but I'm considering it work for now because it's on my to-do list. Besides, I can't be nearly as productive if all I'm thinking about is blogging (yeah right), so it's best if I just get it out of my system now to enhance my work performance. Yeah. And that's what I'll tell my boss too...

The Smoodge goes to see the surgeon today about her gall stones. In theory. I'm half afraid she won't be at her appointment because her dad is a flaming cunt. And I know. That word. But you know what? Sometimes the situation just warrants it, and I gotta say, this is one of those times. Anyone who opposes can leave a comment and I'll make sure God gets your name so He can banish you to the pits of hell where the voice of Gilbert Gottfried will explain to you all the ways you went wrong in your life and Fran Drescher will sing you to sleep. At the same time.


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