Because when I think Holst, I think Peanut Butter cups.

So there's this commercial that always catches my eye, which is kind of spectacular on its own because I don't watch commercials, that's what I pay extra for a DVR for thank you very much.  Anyway, it's a Reese's Peanut Butter cup commercial, and even if I'm not watching the TV, as soon as I hear the music, I always stop what I'm doing to turn around and watch it.  And not because its exciting.  Because it is absolutely not.  Without the music, its probably the most boring commercial in the history of man.  But the music.  It's Gustav Holst's The Planets, specifically Jupiter.  And I love it.  All the movements, not just Jupiter, but especially Jupiter because the sheet music sat in my high school band folder for I'm pretty sure all four years of high school.  I'm really not sure why, we never actually played it for anything, but there it was.  Probably because its a hard piece, and to play it half ass would not be doing anybody any favors.  You just can't dumb it down the way you can a lot of the John Williams stuff (no offense to John Williams, he's an idol of mine as well) and have it be as fantastic as it is in full form.

Anyway, the point of the story is I love the commercial because of the music.  I don't even like RPBC.  But I would totally buy them now because they remind me of some of the incredible music I'm missing out on by not living my dream.  But in a good way.  I need that kind of reminder so I don't get lost.  

Here's the commercial.   

And here?  Well there you won't be doing yourself any favors if you don't listen.  If you've never listened to this song, you've lived half your life for nothing.  And you can't be my friend anymore.  So save our friendship and listen.  I won't make you listen to all of them.  Just Jupiter.  But if you like it, then go out and listen to the entire suite.  It's totally worth it.  And make sure you crank up the volume.

And yes, I totally did just go all band geek on you and put my horn together for some practice.


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