Bucking the System

I know it's supposed to be Wordless Wednesday or whatever, but while the rest of you sheep are conforming, I'm posting. Tha man ain't gonna hold ME back!

Seriously though, I don't really have anything to say, so it may have been better for me to conform and not say anything at all. I've had my brain sucked out through the numerous interviews that I had to be in on for the open position where I work. I posted previously about the kind of AWESOME applicants we've gotten, and apparently that person has gone out and bred new AWESOME applicants, and they all feel the need to waste my time and mental capacity.

Anyway, I took what little brain I had left and posted a couple of shots to my flickr. Instead of forcing you to click on a link which will magically whisk you away to another location, I'll just post them here instead. I know if you've had the day I've had, the concentration it takes to use your index finger in a clicking motion is enough to push you over the edge and into a vat of squeezie cheese. That, and there's only two pics, as opposed to the normal mass flickr-ing I'm accustomed to. Without further ado....TA-DA!

I know, I know. Hold your applause.


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