
There are so many things that I could/should be doing right now. But I'm not. I just finished with what sucks most of my will to live at work, and I just don't know that I have the mental capacity to handle anything else. It doesn't help that my iron levels are are now at a negative number and I'm drawing energy simply by the intravenous port of Diet Coke and Laffy Taffy. I'd love to be able to think of something fun to blog about right now, but there simply isn't anything going on. So instead, here's a few things I've thought about blogging about.

1. The only thing that keeps me going sometimes is laughing at other people's names. Now, I could get in trouble for listing them here, but hey, I doubt they read this, and if they do, they know their name is funny. And if they don't, now they will.
Claude Balls
Dick Cram
Terrence Philips
M. Shatley
Hope you enjoyed those as much as I do. There are more, these are just the ones I laugh at the hardest.

2. The guy in charge of streets in San Antonio should be fired, shot, then dragged into an open field and beaten back to life with a wiffle bat. Need proof that he's out of his ever loving mind? Try the access road to northbound IH-35 at Broadway, Nacogdoches, and Harry Wurzbach. I'm sure there are more, I'm SURE of it, but those are the ones that I want to wield a wiffle bat for. Please feel free to point out other reasons why Mr. Sucks at Designing Streets and Construction has the brain of a paramecium.

3. I've decided to make a monthly resolution, give up something every month. For May, I'm giving up fast food. I kind of did a test run in April of this to determine feasibility, and I think it just might work. Depending on the outcome, more monthly resolutions to come. I might even make a list. That being said, tonight's dinner is courtesy of Jack in the Box. Hey, back off, May doesn't start until tomorrow, so tonight, we party!

4. Note to self-MUST remember we are now in that joyous season called the play-offs, in which gifts of free coffee are given after every Spurs win. I'm kicking myself for JUST NOW remembering that. Do you realize that that's FOUR free cups of coffee I could have been ALL OVER? I'm so disappointed in myself.

5. I love the Dallas radio station the Edge while I'm at work, but I HATE their commercials. Especially the one with Mitzy and Buffy or whatever their names are. If I ever meet them or see them on the streets, they will definitely get a face load of wiffle bat.

6. Wiffle bat is a fun grouping of words to say. As is bee poop. And ass hat. However, liver levels is hard, especially 3 times fast, and therefore should be stricken from the English language.


Anonymous said…
I've blogged about those names before too! Ha, too funny.

My dad was disappointed about the coffee too - he didn't remember until after the 3rd win.

The Barracuda blocked the Edge... sucks for me.

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