
I just checked my email and this was what was in my inbox. Did not see this coming...nope, no siree Bob...

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for hosting yourWedding Ceremony here at the Tropicana Resort and Casino on 2/8/2006.It was a pleasure to be of service to you and your wedding party and ifthere are any other weddings planned for your family or friends, we hopethat you will recommend our Island Wedding Chapel so that we can maketheir day as special as yours.
The Tropicana Resort and Casino is constantly striving to provide amemorable experience for our guests. Whether you’re planning anintimate gathering of family and friends for a social function, reunionor holiday party, our caring, professional on-site staff will handleevery detail of your function and personally work with you tocustom-create the perfect atmosphere, entertainment and dining selectionfor any event.
One of our professional Catering Managers, Marie Landacre or Judi Gullo,will be following up with you by email or telephone to answer all yourquestions and to help you plan any event you may have in the future.
Please click here to link directly to our Catering and Banquet web site: Our Catering Department canbe reached at 800-468-9494, ext. 2768 to speak with Marie or Judi forimmediate details.
deborah han wedding coordinator
tropicana las vegas resort and casino
3801 las vegas blvd so. las vegas nv 89109
702-739-2222 hotel 702-739-5410 direct 702-739-2696 direct -702-739-2696 - fax

Thanks Debbie! Really loved having the dull spoon shoved into my chest rooting around for my already broken heart. Mind sending me your LEAVE A COMMENT link again? I'll be sure to pass your information onto my EX HUSBAND and his CURRENT GIRLFRIEND. Thanks. 'Preciate it. You'll have to excuse me while I run out of my office in tears.


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