Flavor Blasted, Bitches!

I love my Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Baked FLAVOR BLASTED Hot 'n Spicy Cheddar. Except for one bad experience, they are the highlight of my day. Each one I eat is better than the last, and the only disappointment to eating them is when there is no more. You know those hot dog eating contests or milk chugging contests they have where the winner is like the world champion or something? If they had a Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Baked FLAVOR BLASTED Hot 'n Spicy Cheddar eating contest, I'd put the hurtin' on some goldfish.

My friend A.Shine read about my bad experience, and felt my plight. And she wanted to do something to help, because that's what good friends do, and as far as good friends go, she gets a gold star (or a GOLD fish in this specific instance). I don't think I've previously mentioned that you cannot find, well, I cannot find, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Baked FLAVOR BLASTED Hot 'n Spicy Cheddar in the stores. The only place I've found them is the place I discovered them. The vending machine in the breakroom at work. And it's completely not fair that somehow my company got the monopoly on the best goldfish ever, but that's off topic. Back to A.Shine. She was able to find some Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Baked FLAVOR BLASTED Jalapeno Cheddar and gave them to me a couple of days ago. This is a flavor I had not tasted yet. So I took them home, where they have sat on my shelf, staring at me every time I open the pantry. I have been afraid to eat them because what is they are better than the Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Baked FLAVOR BLASTED Hot 'n Spicy Cheddar? What if they were worse and were so awful that I would lose respect for my Hot 'n Spicy ones? I felt like eating the Jalepeno ones would be like cheating on the Hot 'n Spicy ones. Last night I finally balled up and cracked those bad boys open. I fed one tentatively to The Smoodge first, because what's the point in having kids if you can't use them to test new foods? On the other hand, can I really take the opinion of an 18 month old who has been known to lick her own feet? Regardless, the Smoodge took the first hit. And immediately spit it out while making one of her many hilarious faces. Not lookin' good so far for the Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Baked FLAVOR BLASTED Jalapeno Cheddar. But, in order to promote fairness, and well, I'll try anything once, I toss a couple into my mouth.

And I tasted the Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Baked FLAVOR BLASTED Jalapeno Cheddar and saw that it was good.

Sorry Hot 'N Spicy.


Anonymous said…
¡Orale jalapeƱo cheddar!

What else am I supposed to say?

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