
Showing posts from 2008

The First of Many, I'm Sure

I previously mentioned that I've started up the online dating thing again.  I also mentioned how stupid that was of me.  Proof of that is what I was sent today as someone who was deemed as a match for me: im very out going persons love to have fun but im not rich. i do have a car but it very old. but i do have a job. and i have a little girl. but she live with her movies Um.  What? First, those of you reading this, would you have ever SERIOUSLY thought that someone who writes like that would be a MATCH for me?  If so, I am severely delusional about myself. Second, he's very outgoing persons?  Like, more than one?  Is this a conjoined twin situation or just multiple personalities?  And are they all outgoing and fun, or just the one typing the profile?  Do they have different names?  Crap, what if they have different profiles?  How many more of THIS GUY am I gonna get matched to? Third, his kid lives with movies?  Like at a theater?  Or is it that she's live with movies?  Lik...

Online Dating

It has to be the holidays.  Surely it's the holidays.  After the last laughable bout of online dating, only an idiot would be doing this again. Hi.  I'll be your idiot for today's blog.  Would you like some peanuts? At the very least, I'll get some new material for the blog. Christ, what am I getting myself into....

Killing Time

Fourteen minutes left to go until this (work) day is over. I would totally leave now, except I'm answering the phones because the receptionist left early. Hows that for suck? Today was about worthless. Seriously. Came in about an hour late. Went to SASH to throw the geriatric department a Christmas party. Went to Aldaco's for lunch. Came in to work and surfed the internet, mostly reading about Bettie Page , who died yesterday. And now I'm sitting up front, where I actually did a smidgen, a SMIDGEN, of work. Now I'm blogging. Nine minutes left. Or pretending to blog. Is it still blogging if you are just randomly typing out stuff as it pops into your head? I've got to haul buns out of here, head to pick up The Smoodge, then run over to Toys R Us or Walmart to get a gift card for the birthday party we have to go to this evening, which I have no idea where THAT is, then we'll come home and I'll take some photos of a friend of mine, who actually kind o...

Death by Boredom

I hate days like this, where you get all the big stuff done, then you take a break, and have absolutely no motivation to pick up another task. I think at this point I would willingly stick a paperclip in my eyeball than work any more. Which leads me to being bored, which is STUPID because I have things I could do, but again, paperclip rather than working. I guess the argument becomes would I rather have a paperclip in my eye or be bored. Hmmm... that's a close one.... Two hours later, I've come back to this post after a minor emergency at work caused by incompetence. And it's time to go home. So that big long post I was gonna do? Yeah, gonna have to wait...

Random Chatting

Because I'm too lazy to put a real post up here (give me a break, this makes two in one day!), I'm putting up a conversation had between two coworkers over chat. Coworker 1 : guess what   Coworker 2 : what?   Coworker 1 : i drew coworker 3 for secret santa gifts   Coworker 2 : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA   Coworker 1 : any ideas....    what on earth should i get her??   Coworker 2 : facial laser hair removal   Coworker 1 : that's thoughtful   Coworker 2 : maybe a wax kit?   you could get her a bear...    or more shrubbery   Coworker 1 : she listed her favorite color as chinese blue    ?????????????????   Coworker 2 : wtf is chinese blue?   Coworker 1 : not a clue   Coworker 2 : i'm googling it.....   Coworker 1 : lol    i bet it's like a royal blue    just funny way to say it   Coworker 2 : wow...the googling does not even remotely narrow it down    there's about a billion shades    hehe    get her a gift card to the megaplex    i TOTALLY would do that    shit, I m...


If I had waited three more days before posting this it would be officially a month since my last post. It's just like me to go and ruin it by posting something today. Ah, well. It's just that time of year, or some other excuse that will cause you to nod your head and say, yeah, I totally get it, and that's a perfectly acceptable reason as to why this blog now has cobwebs and dustbunnies, and a cracked foundation due to unuse. Whatever, get over it. I'm currently at work, and using this blog to procrastinate from cleaning my desk. Which, if you know me, you know that the fact that I have to clean my desk at all means things have been buuuuuuuusy. So here I am, cleaning. Not cleaning like with the Pledge and dust rag, but cleaning as in trying to make my way out of the four hundred seventy five stacks of paper keeping me hidden in a papercave. Oh wait, just found another, make that four hundred seventy six.... And now I've got to get back. Insert empty promise...


It's 1:30 in the stinkin' morning and I'm still working.  Technically, I'm taking a break from working, but still.  The point is the same.  And the only reason why I'm taking a break anyway is because if I have to write the letters ST, OT, or DT one more time, I'm pretty sure that the twitch in my left eyelid will turn into a full blown seizure.   To make matters even more AWESOME, my uterus is pumping enough estrogen through my body to qualify any of my actions as those of the legally least that's what my defense will be... I wish I had more interesting things to say.  I guess I could talk about how The Smoodge familiarized herself with the Heimlich Maneuver today, but my brain is on the fritz right now, so ask me about it later.  Or how I had an interesting debate with a friend in the office today about...crap, I completely forgot.  I know it was interesting because I remember there being laughing, but as to got me.  Crap, how'...


I can feel the panic starting to rise. That burning in the pit of my stomach that causes my heart to pound and my breath to catch. The one that causes me to feel the catch in my throat as I try to keep the tears from pouring down my face. In 17 minutes I go home. And I won't be picking up The Smoodge before I get there. For the first time in 2 years. She's spending the night with her dad tonight. She's never done that before. Every night of her life, since the moment she was born, she has slept in MY arms, in MY bed. She has woken up every morning and planted kisses all over MY face (even if it's AFTER she's Sharpied MY couch cushions). She has had her pudgy little feet jammed into MY ribs and spine. She wakes up in the middle of the night to pull MY arms back around her. But not tonight. Not tomorrow morning. Now we're down to 12 minutes.

Today's Emoticon: Angry

Don't say you haven't been warned.

Not Even a Little Bit

Motivated to work right now, that is. I'm tired, by muscles are mad at me, and my head has directed my most recent headache to my forehead. It's been a looooong weekend, and it's not over yet. And not in a good way. I moved this weekend. In one day. Mostly. I mean, I took a truckload, no, TWO truckloads of boxes over on Thursday night (and by truckload I don't mean great big trucks that require a special license to drive, I mean a Ford F-150), Friday night I steam cleaned the carpets, and cleaned as much as I could out of the fridge, because it was freaking nasty people, but that's another paragraph. Anyway, then after that I went back to the old place to box up the rest of the crap. Saturday morning we woke up early and moved everything else out. That only took until about 5:30 or so. So maybe not one day. Anyway, the point is, I am completely in the new place, and completely out of the old place. Except the new place is old, and because it's old, I...

Happy Halloween!

My Little Butterfly Fairy

Is this thing still on?

Hello blog world? Took me awhile to dust off the cobwebs, but I'm still here! It's been a crazy couple of weeks, and right now I'm posting at work because my computer at home is unplugged. Why, you ask? Because I'm moving. This weekend. I KNOW! But I digress... After my last post, The Smoodge and I came down with the stomach flu. Now, I don't know if you've ever had the stomach flu before, but I think that it's something that should have it's own month, bracelets, and perhaps a support group. Holy cow. I thought I was going to die. I've never had my intestines do an impersonation of a shot gun before. Being more than five feet away from a toilet was a risky maneuver, and a chance I dared not take. So for about 6 days me and the little one got to suffer through that. She was much braver than I was. I was fully prepared to put my pain and suffering on display on the couch, but I had to make sure she was fed and what not. CPS frowns on y...

Hooray for Friday!

Today's gonna be a good day. It's World Mental Health Day, which means I am totally justified in skipping out on the afternoon. And oh yeah, I'm gonna. Granted, I'll be spending the afternoon doing my daughter's homework...again...that's due today (she gets my procrastination gene...but technically maybe not, because she's 2, and she has no idea she has homework, so it's me who is procrastinating. I don't care, I just like saying procrastinating). But before that, I'm going to do collections here at work, which always makes me happy, because I get to say GIMME MY MONEY BITCH to a lot of people. Only more professional. And maybe not say bitch. Until I hang up the phone. Then after that, BIG LOU's. You don't EVEN know about some Big Lou's. Great stuff, and makes for even better leftovers. The best is leaving it in your car all day while you work, then going out in the evening for the drive home, opening that car door, and ha...

Self Debate

Today is the first day of four that The Smoodge has visitation with her dad.  Well, potentially four.  Until she turns three, we have an interesting visitation schedule.  For the last two years, he gets her on his days off, from 7:30am until 5pm.  The exception of that is the weekends, which he only gets the first weekend he's off in the month.  Once she turns two, he gets one 24 hour period with her a month, and when she's two and a half, he gets one 48 hour period with her a month.  Once she turns three, we'll go to standard visitation.  To make it weirder, his schedule is one where he works five days, with four days off, then five more days, with four days off, then SIX days, then four days off, repeat. I'll give you a minute to do that math. All caught up?  Fantastic, let's move on.  The Smoodge turns 2 next month.  Which means as of this moment, no overnights.  Next month?  One overnight.  This month?  None.  November?  One.  October?  None.  Right now-....okay...

Hard To Read, Hard to Write

I've actually been kind of dreading writing this post. But I know I need to, because I need to get it off my chest. It's been haunting me, and it's something that I talk myself through in the shower, and on my way to work once I've dropped off The Smoodge, and pretty much any time during the day that I'm not able to occupy my thoughts with something else. I'm hoping that by writing all this jumbly mess in my head down, I'll stop being so afraid. Deep we go... There's a blog that I love to read, and yet every time I go to click on it, I hesitate. Sometimes to the point that I don't actually click on it. Sometimes when I click on it, and it takes more than 2 seconds to load, I'll take that as an excuse not to let it load and hurriedly click on the next blog in my line up (and yes, I have a blog line up. same order, every day, at the same time, not a moment before. thanks Dad, for the OCD!). I really do love reading it, but this blog, ...


Hi there.  I'm still here.  I have two posts that have been forming in my head for the past week that are filled with all kinds of meaning and insight, and at some point I'll stick them on here, but now I'm afraid that I'm building them up too much and when I actually get them posted everyone will read it and think wow, I'm so glad she waited a week to post about the three toed sloth.  Not that my post is about the three toed sloth, but you know what I mean.  Ugh.  Anyway. I'm still here.  I will post again soon.  Probably not tonight.  Maybe tonight.  I don't know, let's wing it, shall we?  See ya soon! Is it weird that I just did a spell check on the above?  I mean, it's what?  Three sentences?  Two?  All small words.  Not like I attempted to tackle that superfragi- word from Mary Poppins.  And I totally almost misspelled Poppins as Poopins. And yes, I just spell checked that above paragraph as well.  

Am I doing it wrong?

For some random reason, about last Thursday I guess, I started having this overwhelming urge to go to church.  I have no idea why, other than maybe it's because I've been feeling like my life has become the epitome of out of control, but whatever.  It's not like I was hearing voices or anything, just out of the blue one day I think to myself, self?  Go to church.  Since I kind of talk to myself a lot, and most of what I say is random thoughts and makes not a lick of sense to those around me, I didn't put a whole lot of stock in it.  I mean, for all I knew it could be a guilty conscience thing because the pastor of my church just added me as a friend on facebook, and he was subliminally sending me peer pressure.  So I ignored it and went about my day.  But as Friday came and went, and then Saturday, the need to go to church just kept building and building to the point where last night I actually set my alarm to go to church.  If you know me, while this is a step in the r...


I'm kind of OCD. And I completely understand why. It's how I am able to control something in my life that is so utterly out of control. I have a schedule that I keep, and when something gets off schedule, when something that is supposed to happen doesn't, I tend to start to get depressed, and then I start neglecting other things, and I just let it spiral and spiral until I realize I'm at the bottom and force myself to crawl my way back to the top. First it's my dishes. I stop doing my dishes. And I'm one of those people that has a dishwasher that I use as a drying rack because I don't believe it does a good enough job. So when I stop doing dishes, they just pile up in the sink. Then I stop picking up The Smoodge's toys and just let them kind of clutter up the living room. Then I let the laundry pile up. It just keeps getting more disgusting from there. The point is, I know when I'm starting to get into this depression spiral, and I can usu...

Toying With My Emotions

*Disclaimer-This post is probably fairly boring and confusing.  But I need to get it off my chest, and lucky me, I think that's kind of the point of having a blog.  However, if you do decide to read it, you'll definitely get a good glimpse into why I haven't had the energy to post in awhile.   Before I start this story, let me first give you a list of important players.  That makes my life a lot easier, which is what's really important here. Dr. A - PCP Dr. R - Geneticist Dr. B - Cardiologist Dr. E - Gastrointerologist Mostly giving you this guide means I only have to type 3 letters instead of up to 18.  See?  Making my life easier. About a month ago, The Smoodge's PCP (primary care physician for those of you who think I would allow my daughter to have her own stash of drugs) scheduled her to go see a cardiologist for the heart murmur that her geneticist diagnosed.  Dr. R said it could be detected both above and below her heart, and since heart problems are common i...

Funny! Funny. Funny?

I stumbled across this picture today at this website: Come ON! THAT's damn funny! No? Not funny? Just me? I thought you people were my friends. Sidebar-when you say 'funny' a bunch of times, it makes you feel like you are saying it wrong. Try it, right now, out loud. See? Told you. Who's laughing now?

Damn Cat

I am not a quitter.  I'm really not.  And I've had pets all my life, and understand the importance and commitment of having and caring for one.  And when I got my cat, my horrible horrible cat, I thought it would be a good idea.  I though, self, get yourself a cat, for a lot of reasons.  One, it'll keep you company at night once The Smoodge is asleep.  Two, it'll be good for The Smoodge to have a critter around to help her learn how to be nice and all that other crap you're supposed to teach kids.  Three, a cat would be good in an apartment, and isn't icky like a fish, or weird like a lizard, or smelly (except for the litter, I had forgotten about the litter) like a rat or mouse (and The Smoodge would totally squish a rat or mouse), or need room to run like a puppy.  So I got a cat.  And he's very handsome.  And I suppose on some level I do love him. But he.  Is.  A shit. I CANT FIX THIS STUPID CAT!  There is something really REALLY wrong with him.  I had hi...

A Post Just To Post

I haven't been able to do this because there are too many things going on.  And by the end of the day my brain hurts, and I can't think of anything to say, and the only thing worse than not saying anything is saying something that is nothing.  But that can't really be true because then 99% of the blogs out there wouldn't exist, and to be perfectly honest, neither would this one.  I mean, hell, the name of this thing itself means nothing, so...crap, I think I just talked myself into a circle.  I feel dizzy. While I recover, enjoy some pics from this weekend.  No seriously.  ENJOY THEM.  That's an order.

Funny...or scary...

So my last post kinda sucked, it was all dark and twirly and whatever, but as I'm going through my site meter to see who is stalking me (and I know you are, just so you know, I know, but I'm okay with it, so don't sweat it...just don't send me your fingernail clippings.  I draw the line there...and a few other places, but we'll start with the fingernails) and I see that someone from the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation has been checking out my blog. I either appeal to those who are MHMR, which, is kinda cool, or someone working for the state of Texas thinks my blog qualifies as MHMR and is now gathering evidence to present a judge to get a warrant for the men who want to put a snug fitting and oh so stylish white coat on me.  Whoever it is, and regardless of their intentions, it's their first visit, so I'd like to welcome you.  Hi.  I'm Mandy.  This is my blog.  Hope you're enjoying yourself.  Make yourself comfortable.  Don...

its...Its...ITS ALIVE!!!

It's been just over a month since my last post, and do I have anything meaningful and insightful to say?  Nope.  Not even a little.  I've even been pondering the last few days what I should blog about once I finally get back up on that ole blogging horse.  And did anything come out of it?  Nope.  So I'm just going to pretend like that prolonged absence didn't happen and move on.  Everyone on board?  Mm-kay. I joined facebook.  To those of you who claim that I said I would never join facebook, I say fabricators!  And non-listeners!  I said MYSPACE!  I would never join MYSPACE!  I never said anything about facebook....(hold on a sec, combing the archives and deleting any facebook references so they can't be used against me in a court of law)....(okay, never mind, I don't have that kind of patience, and sadly, i kind of bore myself)...or if I did say anything about facebook...(whoo-hoo, disclaimer!) was that other people were on it, and I didn't get it.  B...

Bucking the System

I know it's supposed to be Wordless Wednesday or whatever, but while the rest of you sheep are conforming, I'm posting. Tha man ain't gonna hold ME back! Seriously though, I don't really have anything to say, so it may have been better for me to conform and not say anything at all. I've had my brain sucked out through the numerous interviews that I had to be in on for the open position where I work. I posted previously about the kind of AWESOME applicants we've gotten, and apparently that person has gone out and bred new AWESOME applicants, and they all feel the need to waste my time and mental capacity. Anyway, I took what little brain I had left and posted a couple of shots to my flickr. Instead of forcing you to click on a link which will magically whisk you away to another location, I'll just post them here instead. I know if you've had the day I've had, the concentration it takes to use your index finger in a clicking motion is enough to push y...


Creepy video of the mythical Chupacabra . Actually, the video itself is not creepy. And if you didn't know about the Chupacabra, then you would wonder why the hell I'm linking to a video of a dog's ass. Well, that's because it's not just any ole dog's bum, it's a Chupacabra. Which we've seen before, and some people may think is related to the Montauk monster (which I first read about here ). It's not though. Ours is cooler, and still slightly mythical, and sucks goats. That Montauk one? All it does is die on the beach (apparently), have mange, and join gangs (hence the bandanna around it's arm). Ours tries to outrun the fuzz. BEAT THAT MONTAUK! Also, my favorite part of the Chupacabra video is when Officer Tubby yells 'Yeeooh!'. Welcome to Texas, y'all! In slightly other news, last night was the Perseid meteor shower , which had the potential to be really cool, except San Antonio decided to suck and pull some cloud cover. Granted,...

Some pics

I posted a few shots of The Smoodge and some roses I received (after my lunch date this week, more on that later) on Flickr . Feel free to check them out here . And then watch the video I posted earlier again just for good measure...because its FREAKING HILARIOUS. Thanks to BIDP for the link!


Oh My God

Actually Not My Fault!!!

I just got some of the most awesome news EVER! Okay, maybe not ever, but pretty close, and actually, when you think about it, the only thing awesome about the news is that it's not my fault, the rest of it is pretty stressful and heartbreaking and blah blah blah. So ACTUALLY my most awesome news ever is kind of selfish and petty and probably not even worth mentioning because then you will see how selfish and petty I am and then question my morals... Oh, what do I care! It's awesome news! So, you know how The Smoodge has all these medical issues, right? The recent gall bladder surgery, acid reflux, esophagitis, heart murmur, chromosome 10 deletion, developmental delays, possible hearing and vision issues, weird feet thing, and whatever else I'm missing. Oh, and the liver thing, but that might not actually be a thing, we're still waiting on the results from that. Anyway, all the things, and the last time we were at the geneticist, they took my blood to help try to figure ...

A Letter to My Blog

Dear Blog, I apologize for being so neglectful. It hardly seems like time has moved at all, yet when I check the archives, it's been over a week since I last posted. And for that, I owe you an apology. I will not belittle you with excuses, nor pacify you with empty promises of a future post. I can only ask that the next time I log in, you not glare at me accusingly through my computer monitor. I know. Believe me, I know. So as I bid adieu for now, and can make this one guarantee. When I post again, there will be lots to say, and lots of pictures. And possibly a video...but don't get your hopes up. Sincerely, Jo & Angie (Joe Mama Angie Daddy)

Ranks Right Up There

I have done a lot of really dumb things in my life. A lot. In fact, I've probably done more stupid things in my life than I've done good. And I know I'll have to pay for that one day, which is why my mantra when people have told me that I'm going to hell is that the first one there buys the beer. So it's not gonna be a shocker, is all I'm saying. But today's stupid act is one for the record books. I'm not a reckless person, but I'm also a person that doesn't back down. It's important for you to know this about me, because it's going to relate directly to this post. If you tell me that the sky is blue, I'll argue how incorrect you are, and not only are you incorrect, but how also a real friend would have never let you leave the house dressed like that. I go for blood, and I'm in for the long haul. Hence how my strong headedness has led to today's stupid event. I'm driving home, The Smoodge happily licking her toes...

Topic Trouble

I struggle fairly regularly on what to blog about. At least when I sit down to blog. During the day, I'll come across several things that I think would make for awesome topics, but when it comes time to put the thoughts down on computer screen?...I blank. Completely. And I'm left doing stupid posts like all the different ways you can make up dumb names or the post that I deleted a few minutes ago because, really? Who wants to hear about the mind boggling crap my daughter took this morning? And then I start thinking about, well, why do I blog in the first place? I'm going to have a take break from this post because my co-worker is yelling at his kid on the phone. He just told his kid that he was 'gonna ground him somethin' fierce. I am turning purple here to keep from laughing. Oh my good god. Live action folks, you heard it here first. Giant man with diabetes squeezes himself into a cube and yells into the 'talky box' that you ain't ...


I finally met a goal! Sure, it was a little one, that really has no pay off or reward to it. It's not even redeeming really, other than the fact that I actually did it! My goal, you ask? To post fourth of July pics before the end of July. And the last day of July is tomorrow. Take that suck-ahs! Oh, go here to see them :)

Mango Bra-ie

You know you're bored when you voluntarily play The Name Game... Maybe boredom is the wrong word. Lack of interest in work. That's a bit more accurate. Either way, enjoy the fruits of my nothingness. And also, don't judge me. I can hear you doing it, so just knock it off. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car) Princess Lancer YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie) Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ranger YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name) M-Bel YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal) Det. Blackdolphin YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born) Jo Richmond YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first) Manbe NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers) Richard Gene WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names ) Ann Gene TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major...

Out of nowhere

Reason number four billion, three hundred twenty six million, eight hundred ninety five thousand, one hundred and three why I hate California: Are. You. Fucking. Kidding me? Los Angeles wants to place a moratorium on fast food restaurants in low income areas because the people there are too fat? Why? So that sit down restaurants can go in and offer their healthy, happy food for more than the residents of that area can afford, go broke, and then encourage area residents to vandalize and break in so they can recoup insurance money to get the hell out? Have these idiots ever sat down and compared the prices on healthy food vs unhealthy food? IT'S RIDICULOUS! You could buy a tank of gas for what it costs to eat somewhere that serves all that free-range chicken and freshly washed tomatoes. Oh, they are going to offer incentives, you say, to keep the prices affordable? Incentives that people like myself, a member of working class America, a...

Post NOT from the Coast

We're home. And I'm VERY tired. So instead of telling you about the beach, the good dinner gone bad, the late night, the aquarium, all the people who touched my kid today, and miscellaneous other bits of what has happened since my last post, I will leave you with a few pics and a video. Just to tide you over until I get my brain back.

Post from the Coast 2

The Smoodge is in taking a quick nap, so while she's busy dreaming about pelicans and seagulls, I'm sitting in the shade of the balcony feeling the salty breeze and watching kayakers and boaters lazily float past. We woke up late, no surprise there since The Smoodge didn't crash out until around 1am, and I didn't hit the sack myself until around 3. Got up, grabbed a tortilla and came out on the balcony to feed the winged rats (seagulls) and fish. Those seagulls are talented, boy. Toss it up in the air and they'll dive bomb to catch it before it hits the ground. They also displayed their hummingbird capabilities by riding the wind right in front of your face until you toss the morsel they are waiting for. I got a few pics, and we'll try for more later once we have real bread. Tortillas suck for tossing; too light. I'll have to post them when I get back home because I didn't bring a card reader down here. Anyway, after we did that for a bit, we got...

Post from the Coast

We are here. After a couple hour drive, then a couple more hours getting The Smoodge back to sleep, but we are finally sitting down to life as it should be. Sitting in a warm salty breeze, eating powdered donuts, drinking bottomless cups of Diet Coke, and chatting. I am not shitting you, one of my friends just made a batch of cookies and set them down in front of us. I hope my funeral was fun, because I must have seriously died and this is what heaven is like. Funnily enough, two of us are online, the third, well, she was busy making cookies (she knows her role), and we've got Pulp Fiction on the tube. The drive here was not so bad. We got on the road around 8, The Smoodge was crashed out before we even left the city limits. And that's when the three hour marathon of every awesome song from the past rocked us all the way here. You do not know a good time until you are singing along with The Proclaimers explaining how you'd walk five hundred miles (and then you'd w...


Can't go wrong with a title like that. No siree, it's simple, to the point, and universal. That being said, LET THE WEEKEND BEGIN!... about an hour. At which time, I will tear out of here like a bat out of hell, careen through traffic in an effort to beat any jams in order to pick up The Smoodge, make my way over to the apartment, where I will anxiously await for my dinner to arrive, eat, pack, and load into the car, where we will promptly head to my weeeee-kend of fun. And time. Could not. Be moving. More sloooooowly. It flew for most of the day. Got in, handed out checks. Spent the morning configuring some hardware and software for time management purposes, which is something that has only taken me the last 3 months to do, but whatever. Wrote out some instructions for miscellaneous things, reviewed some applications, just in general keeping busy stuff. NONE of which were scheduled for today, but, like I said earlier, whatever. It doesn't matter if I have ...

Late Night Post

I just posted some shots on my Flickr . I actually don't have a lot of time to post because I'm doing laundry in preparation for my weekend o' fun. And waiting for a phone call. And trying to stop the bleeding. I shaved my legs, and as I've mentioned before , I'm not so good at that, so now I'm trying to decide at what point do I need a transfusion. Getting dizzy...... Hehe, kidding, but I did give myself a rowdy cut while shaving. So much so I had to rinse the chunk of flesh from the razor. I know, how's THAT for a visual. But at least I know that I have mad skills should I ever need to fillet a fish with a razor. ANYway, I posted some shots, so enjoy. I'll blog a bit more tomorrow. I'm kind of in a dark place tonight and don't want to talk about it, so let's try again tomorrow when I'm a bit more chipper, shall we?

Round One

I shot this from my balcony, and it's the first round of Dolly's outer bands about to hit San Antonio. Wasn't too bad, a fairly small cell that was angry in it's own right. Blew some stuff around, put on a phenomenal light show, and dumped a bunch of wet stuff I hear they call rain on top of everyone during rush hour traffic. It didn't last very long, but the worst of it for San Antonio will come tomorrow. Hopefully. I am not looking forward to that pile of paperwork I didn't even look at today, and if I can use this storm as an excuse, well, so be it. At first I was afraid this hurricane would ruin my weekend, but I've been given the green light, and good times will commence as planned. More on that later. In the meantime, I'm just enjoying the cool breeze we're being treated to.

Killing Time

Can you say...SLOW DAY? First, I woke up late, which really isn't any big surprise because I ALWAYS wake up late. Except this morning it was exceptionally late. So I called in to act like I was going to be later than normal because I was getting a gift for a coworkers baby shower today at lunch, and asked if anyone needed me to pick up anything for the shower. See? How resourceful am I? Anyway, the shower is kind of sucking the productivity right out of the day. I mean, I couldn't accomplish anything before the shower because there were preparations to be made, and now I can't accomplish anything because I don't want to. Ugh. Meanwhile, back in the bat cave, everyone is apparently freaking out of this strong wind that's going to come through here, otherwise known as DOLLY . My financial dude even wanted to cancel my meeting with him tomorrow because the weather is supposed to be nasty. Seriously people? Is the weather business getting THAT boring you have to get all...

Lack of Blog Tonight

I fully intended on sitting down and having a meaningful blog moment. Right up until I pulled my glasses off and took a good look at the caterpillar that is stuck to my forehead right where my eye brows used to be. Since I've been wearing my glasses, thanks to the Great Eye Boycott of 2008, the frames shield my normally bare eye features and I was unable to notice how rowdy things had gotten. So instead, the blogging for this evening has been put on hold as I attack my face with a brow brush and tweezers. And it looks like I'm in for the long haul, because I've been hacking away for about 45 minutes, and I still have one more to go. Awesome.

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Alright, I know it's more than a little cliche, but I couldn't get that song out of my head once I thought it, so now I make you all suffer...Mwah ha ha ha..ha......ha..... Anyway, yeah, today's Sunday. I posted earlier, all sadness and gloom and ick, but I'm feeling much better now. My Smoodge is home where she belongs, and my apartment is mostly clean. I say mostly and not all the way because the vacuum cleaner is now making a nest for itself in the dumpster, and once it broke, my cleaning rhythm was disrupted, and I found it hard to get myself back in the groove. Does that happen to anyone else? You start a task, get trucking along, really in the groove, and some random thing happens and you find yourself with the perfect excuse to lay on the couch watching some random movie? Anyone? No? Just me? Okay, never mind then. But the apartment is mostly clean. The only thing I have to finish is laundry. And okay, maybe the bathroom could use a little bit of clea...

Sad Sunday

I am inexplicably sad this morning, I miss my Smoodge. I just dropped her off with her father, and get to face another day without her smiling face. It's absolutely amazing to me how much she has wormed her little way into every detail of my life, completely changing the person I used to be. So with that, I'm sad. I've got to keep myself busy today to avoid heading into that lovely full on depression I seem to be prone to. You know, the one where all I can focus on is how lonely I am, how far away my family is, how hard this is by myself, yadda yadda yadda... So I have to resist the urge to crawl back into bed and pull the covers up over my face. Gotta keep busy. Guess this would be a good time to clean, huh? Nothing like depression inspired cleaning. It will either be the best cleaning ever, or the most half-assed job I've ever done. Bets, anyone?