At least he doesn't smell

My cat? Kinda has it made. Food regularly delivered to a location only he can access (namely, away from the pig dogs). Run of an old house with lots of hiding places to inspect. Two dogs and a Monkey to harass with his kick ass Kung Fu moves. I even let him sleep pretty much anywhere he wants, be it on the couch (rarely), in Monkey's bed (when she's not in it), my bed, the coffee table (yes, this is actually a favorite post of his), or even in the kitchen window sill (when it's open). He even takes over the dog bed when the mood strikes him. In general, I leave him alone, he leaves me alone. Which is what made him an appealing as a pet in the first place . Not *him* specifically, but cats in general. Neediness freaks me out, and cats? They do not hesitate to let you know that they don't need you in their lives, and any indication other wise is a damn lie. This system works for us. Yes, there is occasional...