Mother's Day

It's 3:25 in the morning, and I can't sleep. I can't sleep because for me this is just another Sunday. I don't get to sleep late. I don't get to awaken to the smell of breakfast in bed. I don't get to be handed a bouquet of flowers. I don't get to hear the words Happy Mother's Day in my daughter's voice at the coaching of my significant other. I don't get to thank my daughter for the crayon creation on construction paper she diligently worked over to celebrate my being a mother to her. I don't get hugs from family members and loved ones. Those are things that, as a mother, on Mother's Day, I have never experienced. I know, this post sounds awesome, huh? Well hold on a second, it gets better. I want to wish each and every single one of you who has ever played the role of mother a very Happy Mother's Day. I really and truly do. It's a shame that only one day is dedicated to the trials and tribulations that go into being a ...