Making My Death Bed
I haven't blogged in awhile. I know. You'll get over it. Most of that has to do with all the craziness that has been going on in and around my life right now, and my complete inability to speak on it as honestly as I want to and my anger at the limitation of that. From the birth of my younger sister's baby boy, to the complete lack of...I don't even know what...from my middle sister, to the garbage spewed forth from a man in my life (and no, it's NOT the ex), to the fact that I'm pretty sure my immune system has quit. Which is good, because I fired it today and am now accepting applications for a new one. One that doesn't have allergies, a consistent body ache, 101+ degree temperature, and the ability to cause me to sneeze so hard I have to make sure I didn't pee my pants. I know. Kegels. I do 'em. Doesn't matter. Fuck you very much to all the catheters I've had in my life. See how overwhelming all that is? Throw in the amount of p...